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2018 NZ Tax Refunds

We have confirmed your 2018 Tax Refund for it's release. IRD have started releasing 2018 Tax Refunds from today in batches. We processed the first batch today. As each daily batch is released, we will inform and process each client’s refund. Everyone should have their refunds before the 16th of June (our mid-June target!). You don't need to do anything - just sit back and relax. We have everything sorted and you will hear from us shortly. We've put together a short list of common issues that might see your refund take a little longer than most. 1. Working for Families Tax Credit Square Up The annual Working for Families Tax Credit (WfFTC) square up usually happens around July however some people may be assessed earlier.This square up has to happen before IRD will release tax refunds to anyone receiving WfFTC. If you received WfFTC during the last tax year, make sure you keep us informed about any changes to your family situation. We're working closely with IRD to make sure you receive the correct family tax entitlements. 2. Other Income If you indicated on your application that you received other income, interest, dividends, then we'll need some more information from you before we can calculate (and pay!) your refund. You will have received an email or letter from us outlining exactly what extra information we need from you based on your individual circumstances. Be sure to get that extra information we've asked for back to us as soon as you can. Once we've got that we'll be able to calculate your refund. 3. Missing Income Your income records at IRD may be showing gaps in your earnings. This could be for a variety of different reasons. Maybe you had some unpaid leave to travel or a month off work in between jobs, maybe you were on parental leave, or even studying. Whatever you were up to at the time, we just need to know what you were up to and how you were financially supported. We've even added a handy list of options to pick from on our website! Your tax refund can't be calculated until we have this information. We need to have a full and clear picture of your financial and employment situation for the last tax year. 4. IR3 Requirement Generally when you apply for your tax refund, you need to file what's called a Personal Tax Summary (PTS). If there's a bit more to your tax obligations than having PAYE deducted from your salary or wages, you'll probably need to file an individual tax return (IR3). An IR3 is more complex and detailed than a PTS, and they're often filed by accountants. There are a few reasons why IRD may have determined you're required to file an IR3. You're an independent contractor and you've been schedular income instead of wages or salary You're a shareholder/director of a company You're self-employed or receive untaxed income You've received overseas income If you haven't received your refund yet, and you're required to file an IR3, we're either waiting on more information from you to file your return and get your refund, or we're working with IRD to get this requirement removed. We will be in touch as we progress your tax return, however it could take up to 6 weeks. 5. Account Under Review Seeing the words ‘Account Under Review' is probably one of the scariest things to see on your application while you're waiting to receive a tax refund.

Recent Tax Refunds

Kerryann from Auckland City got a tax refund of $300.02 5 minutes ago
Tom from Christchurch got a tax refund of $67.44 13 minutes ago
Claire from South Taranaki got a tax refund of $49.01 17 minutes ago
Angelina from Auckland got a tax refund of $62.14 28 minutes ago
Contact Us
(04) 499 1101
  • Address: Level 2 | 86 Victoria Street | Wellington 6011 | New Zealand
  • Postal: PO Box 24 217 | Manners Street | Wellington 6142 | New Zealand
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