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2021 Tax Health Check

Our simple online application has ensured that you are compliant giving you peace of mind, limiting any shocks in the future. We will be your point of contact for the year in all tax matters. No waiting on hold for hours with IRD. A quick email or call to us and it’s sorted. Giving you an affordable option for tax matters other than having to personally contact IRD. Tax Health Check Tax Code KiwiSaver Tax Rate RWT Rate Bank interest, etc As indicated above – we will also completed a “Tax Health Check 2020” for you. Please email us back if any are “incorrect” so that we can advise you of how to correct it. If your situation changes, please let us know as this could affect below.

Recent Tax Refunds

Angelina from Auckland got a tax refund of $62.14 5 minutes ago
Daisy from Auckland got a tax refund of $65.62 13 minutes ago
Kim from Auckland got a tax refund of $121.82 17 minutes ago
Lee from Richmond got a tax refund of $157.31 28 minutes ago
Contact Us
(04) 499 1101
  • Address: Level 2 | 86 Victoria Street | Wellington 6011 | New Zealand
  • Postal: PO Box 24 217 | Manners Street | Wellington 6142 | New Zealand
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Kiwi Personal Tax is a New Zealand tax agent.

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