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Apply Now For Your 2017 Tax Refund

It’s the 1st of April which refund season has started again! Find out how much you’re owed. Does Inland Revenue Owe You a Tax Refund? If you have earned salary or wages in New Zealand in the past five years, there's a very good chance that the Inland Revenue Department owes you a tax refund. Across New Zealand there are over one million people who may have a tax refund owing to them, chances are… you could be one of them! Kiwi Tax Refund makes it easy to get your tax refund back with a quick online application process and the lowest fees fees in New Zealand*. If it turns out you’re not owed a refund, then it’s free – we won’t charge you a fee. Plus with Kiwi Tax Refund there’s no risk or worries, if you’re not owed a refund – we don’t lodge your return with the IRD. So what are you waiting for? Apply now with the tax refund service that offers the best value in New Zealand.

Recent Tax Refunds

Nadia from Auckland got a tax refund of $69.03 5 minutes ago
Ashleigh from Christchurch got a tax refund of $262.8 13 minutes ago
Stephen from Wellington got a tax refund of $208.18 17 minutes ago
Callum from Kaitai got a tax refund of $173.86 28 minutes ago
Contact Us
(04) 499 1101
  • Address: Level 2 | 86 Victoria Street | Wellington 6011 | New Zealand
  • Postal: PO Box 24 217 | Manners Street | Wellington 6142 | New Zealand
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Kiwi Personal Tax is a New Zealand tax agent.

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