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Category 1: No Extra Information Required – Auto Access Tax Bill or Tax Refund Processed by IRD

Category 1: No Extra Information Required – Auto Access Tax Bill or Tax Refund Processed by IRD If you choose to apply with us and you fall into this category, we will make sure you are compliant with IRD. IRD’s criteria for you to be in this category is based on past history - IRD doesn’t take into account things that may have changed over the last tax year. IRD leave it to you to inform them and there are a number of criteria that can change you being in this category. If you don’t advise them of these changes this could result in penalties, interest, having to pay more or having to repay back refunded amounts. On the other hand, our online application may highlight areas which we can change, which may result in you getting more refunded. Our simple online application will make sure that you have submitted your tax obligations (if any). If you have a tax bill (for many this will be a first) – we will make sure that it is correct and if there is anything that can be done to reduce it. We will inform you of why the tax bill occurred and how to stop it happening again. For these services there will be a flat fee of $29 plus GST (that’s it) – we will be your point of contact for the year in all tax matters. No waiting on hold for hours with IRD (last year people were on hold for 1 - 2 hours and at times longer) - this year will be worse! A quick email or call to us and it’s sorted. Our simple online application will ensure that you are compliant with IRD and have another affordable option for tax matters other than having to personally contact IRD. If we find that you do not fall into this category, we will inform you and get you changed to Category 2 or 3

Recent Tax Refunds

Catherine from Christchurch got a tax refund of $45.7 5 minutes ago
Zin from Dunedin got a tax refund of $98.62 13 minutes ago
Tahlia from Kaiapoi got a tax refund of $249.68 17 minutes ago
Piki from Wellington got a tax refund of $131.01 28 minutes ago
Contact Us
(04) 499 1101
  • Address: Level 2 | 86 Victoria Street | Wellington 6011 | New Zealand
  • Postal: PO Box 24 217 | Manners Street | Wellington 6142 | New Zealand
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