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Cost of Living Payment

Inland Revenue will pay the Cost of Living Payment automatically once eligibility has been established. There is no application process. The payment will be paid in three monthly instalments beginning 1 August. Eligibility will be assessed over the three-month term of the payment. People do not need to apply for this payment. The payment will be automatically made to all eligible individuals who earned $70,000 or less in the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 and are: - not entitled to receive the Winter Energy Payment by receiving the NZ Super or a qualifying benefit from Ministry of Social Development (MSD); - aged 18 or older; - both a New Zealand tax resident and present here; and - not in prison.

Recent Tax Refunds

Tahlia from Kaiapoi got a tax refund of $75.57 5 minutes ago
Trevor from Wellsford got a tax refund of $101.52 13 minutes ago
Annie from Auckland got a tax refund of $95.54 17 minutes ago
Charlotte from Hamilton got a tax refund of $86.52 28 minutes ago
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