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Zero Hours Workers Due a 2015 Tax Refund

Employees on the controversial "zero-hour" contracts are not only missing out on guaranteed hours - they're also handing over too much of their pay to the taxman. This means they are most likely due a tax refund. The employment agreements, which give workers no guarantee how many hours they will get each week, are under close scrutiny from unions and politicians. Both Burger King and Restaurant Brands (which owns the KFC, Starbucks, Pizza Hut and Carl's Jr chains), have recently pledged to end the so-called zero-hour contracts. However, Unite Union's negotiations with McDonald's have stalled, leading the union to stage demonstrations outside McDonalds stores in main centres last week. The 2015 Tax Refund season is now in full swing, with tax refund applications open and tax refund payments from the Inland Revenue Department due to be paid in June. At Kiwi Tax Refund, we have noticed that many of those workers, who are due a tax refund, are (or were) on zero-hour contracts. Here is the full story

Recent Tax Refunds

Uros from Auckland got a tax refund of $108.82 5 minutes ago
Uros from Auckland got a tax refund of $108.82 13 minutes ago
Lan from Auckland got a tax refund of $93.72 17 minutes ago
Tomohito from Auckland got a tax refund of $13.65 28 minutes ago
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